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(314) 500-HURTWhat Are Missouri’s Seat Belt Laws? Seat belt laws are intended to keep ourselves and others on the road safe. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2017 seat belts saved an estimated 14,955 lives nationwide. At Burger Law, a car accident lawyer is an expert in all things related to car safety and car accident laws.
If you were injured by a negligent driver anywhere in Missouri or Illinois, discuss your case with an attorney for free at or contact us online. Otherwise, read on below to learn more about Missouri’s seat belt laws.
Seatbelt laws are in place for a good reason. According to the Missouri Traffic Safety Compendium, in 2022, drivers and passengers who did not use a seat belt or other restraint accounted for:
The state’s seat belt laws can be found in Missouri Revised Statute §301.178 and Missouri Revised Statute §301.179, and they mostly concern children. In general, they are:
In Missouri, seat belt laws are enforced secondarily, meaning officers can only issue a citation for not wearing a seat belt if they have stopped the vehicle for another violation. While in other states like Indiana, seat belt laws are enforced primarily, meaning law enforcement officers can pull you over solely for not wearing a seat belt.
It’s the driver’s responsibility to ensure everyone in their vehicle is following the law. If a driver or a passenger
is not wearing or using their seat belt correctly, the driver may have to pay a fine between $10 and $50 and
additional court costs. If the violation was for not having a child in an appropriate child safety seat, you can
avoid the conviction by showing the court that the problem has been remedied since you got ticket.
Drivers of vehicles with unsecured children may face criminal negligence charges if the child is injured or killed.
And there’s good reason for that. In Missouri in 2017, of the 79 children killed in car accident, 55 were not wearing a restraint during the time of the crash.
Yes, you can still make a financial recovery if you were not wearing a seatbelt when you were injured by a negligent
driver. Missouri is one of 15 states that allow a seat belt defense in personal injury cases, with two stipulations:
Missouri is a comparative negligence state, meaning you
only receive compensation for that percentage of the accident that wasn’t your fault. In the above case, say
your damages amount to $100,000. If you weren’t wearing a seat belt, you would still have a right to $99,000 in
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that more than half of the people who died in recent vehicle accidents were not wearing seat belts. In Missouri, specific rules govern seat belt usage, and they help keep you and your loved ones safe on the roads.
Why is it so crucial to buckle up? The statistics speak for themselves:
While Missouri’s seat belt law applies to most drivers and passengers, there are a few exceptions:
However, it’s important to note that these exceptions are limited, and wearing a seat belt is always the safer choice whenever possible.
As adults, it’s our responsibility to set a good example for younger generations. Children often learn best through observation, and if they see adults consistently wearing seat belts, they’re more likely to develop this life-saving habit themselves.
Seat belt laws are in place for a reason – to keep us all safe on the roads. In Missouri, the law ensures that everyone takes seat belt usage seriously.
While wearing a seat belt is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to protect yourself in a car accident, always remember that even with your seat belt on, you can still suffer injuries in a crash.
Seat belts are designed to distribute the force of impact over a larger area of your body, minimizing the risk of serious injury. They are particularly effective in preventing ejection from the vehicle, which can be catastrophic. However, they cannot completely eliminate the potential for injuries.
In a violent collision, your body can still experience significant forces, even with the protection of a seat belt. These forces can result in various injuries, including fractures, internal injuries, and soft tissue damage. It’s important to seek medical attention after an accident, even if you don’t immediately feel pain, as some injuries may take time to manifest.
If you or a loved one were hurt by a negligent driver, you deserve full compensation. Burger Law’s elite auto
accident law firm can ensure you get it. Call us today at or fill out our online form for a free consultation.
Founder | Injury Attorney
Gary Burger has dedicated his career to standing up against bullies. The founder and principal attorney of Burger Law | St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer has helped hundreds of Missouri and Illinois individuals and families recover th …
Years of experience: 30 years
Location: St. Louis, MO
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