100+ years of combined experience and over $200 million won for our clients in Missouri and Illinois. Contact a personal injury lawyer near you.

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Burger Law Blog

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What is Careless Driving in Missouri?

Have you ever wondered, what is careless driving? In Missouri, it's legally known as "careless and imprudent driving." At Burger Law, we often find drivers unknowingly driving carele...

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What Happens if a Pedestrian Caused an Accident?

If you drive a vehicle in St Louis, MO, you may think that pedestrians always have the right of way. But what happens if a pedestrian caused an accident? Unbelievable as it may sound...

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Insurance Fraud Punishment in Missouri

Insurance fraud can lead to serious consequences, both legally and financially. Whether it's exaggerating a claim or creating a completely false one, the insurance fraud punishment ...

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Understanding Demand Packages

Getting hurt in a pedestrian accident can leave you with injuries, confusion, and a host of questions. You may hear one term commonly: demand package. It is a crucial ingredient in m...

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Is a personal injury settlement considered income in Missouri?

Receiving a personal injury settlement can be frustrating. Is a personal injury settlement considered income? The answer isn’t always simple, but understanding how this will impa...

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When Is It Too Late to Fire Your Attorney?

Firing a lawyer is a usual option, but the timing can affect your case. For instance, if your trial is near, switching attorneys may cause delays in the legal process. You have the r...

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Careless driving vs reckless driving

If you’ve ever been on the road and wondered about the difference between careless driving vs reckless driving, you’re not alone. Many drivers in Missouri get confused about thes...

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Can Someone Sue You For a Car Accident If You Have Insurance?

In most car accidents, it is often asked in St. Louis whether can someone sue you for a car accident if you have insurance. The simple answer to this is yes, having insurance does no...

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Cognitive Distractions While Driving

Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents, and one significant yet often overlooked factor is Cognitive Distractions While Driving. These are those distractions that take the ...

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How Do Adjusters Determine Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

Of the many questions a person is likely to face following an auto accident, perhaps the most basic and important will be: "How do adjusters determine who is at fault in a car accide...

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Who Is Liable for Police Dog Bite Wounds in Saint Louis?

The police dog bite wounds bring extreme physical and emotional stress, raising questions about who is responsible for the injuries. The police dogs are well-trained animals that ass...

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Where do the majority of pedestrian-motorist crashes occur?

A fundamental issue related to pedestrian safety is, Where do the majority of pedestrian-motorist crashes occur? Understanding the answer to this question is vital for both pedestri...

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What Is Reckless Driving

What is reckless driving? This major traffic offense endangers public safety and commonly results in severe car wrecks. If you are involved in a reckless driving incident in St. Loui...

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Is the Registered Owner of a Car Liable for an Accident?

Can the registered owner of a car be held liable for an accident? This is a common legal query, especially when the driver causing the accident is not the owner. Yes, the registered ...

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How Much Can I Get from an Underinsured Motorist Claim?

One of the most common questions we receive from an injured client is how much can I get from an underinsured motorist claim. Underinsured motorist coverage kicks in if you were invo...

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What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most frequent types of car accidents in St. Louis and across the country, often resulting in property damage, personal injuries, and financial hard...

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Tort Reform

Our elected officials in Jefferson City seem to have nothing better to do than play tort reform again.  Please contact your Missouri state representative or senator and tell them ...

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Ask a Lawyer and Insta-Cart Giveaway

Here's a video of my fourth Ask-a -Lawyer Facebook show. Let me know what you think. Tune in today at 3 pm for another - ask me some good questions. [wdac-youtube id="D7dqQSuE_...

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Winter Driving Tips

Winter Driving Tips - Personal Injury Lawyer St. Louis Rules of the road vary in different weather conditions. Because winter is the most dangerous season to drive in, here are...

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Driving Safely Can Prevent Accidents

Driving Safely Can Prevent Accidents So, summer is upon us. It’s June, the middle of June, it’s hot, and the incidence and the rate of automobile accidents skyrocket in June,...

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Headaches Caused by Whiplash

Headaches Caused by Whiplash Post traumatic headaches, or headaches caused by whiplash is the second most common symptom of whiplash after neck pain. There are 5 different types al...

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Happy Summer!

June marks the beginning of summer, where the living is easy - pool, vacations, no school, and warm weather. It is also a time for me to do my yard work. Weeding, cutting down vin...

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Summer safety

For many of us, summer is the season for outdoor fun. Unfortunately for some, that fun can lead to serious injuries. Whether you are boating, swimming in a pool, riding an ATV or mo...

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Zuniga Case Result by Burger Law

The Zuniga case was recently featured in Missouri Lawyers Weekly - our client was killed when a trip wire the property owner had put on the property “clotheslined” our client wh...

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Summer Dangers

Now that we are in the thick of summer here in St. Louis, fun summer recreational activities are becoming a regular part of our plans. Unfortunately getting out and enjoying the goo...

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Rolling Into The Holidays With Burger Law!

The topic of bikes and cycling has come up a lot in the office this week. ....which if you think about it, it's a really weird topic to come up in December. One of the many thi...

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Bikes for Kids – Christmas 2018

Bikes for Kids is giving away a bike to a deserving child this holiday season! For those of you who don't know, Bikes for Kids is Attorney Gary Burger's way of aligning his va...

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Meet Bikes for Kids Winner Vera

On June 2nd, we had the honor of presenting our community service award, the Bikes for Kids Award, to our winner Vera! Vera is a dedicated member of our community who puts service...

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First Bikes for Kids Winner Announced

Our first Bikes for Kids winner has been announced. The winner is an 8th grader from McKinley CLA Middle School named Malcolm Hinkebein. Hinkebein was nominated for the bicycle by a...

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When a Doctor is Liable for Cerebral Palsy

When a doctor is liable for cerebral palsy. When doctors or hospitals break the rules and provide substandard levels of care, it can have a devastating effect on you and your fa...

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What to Do After an Out-of-State Car Accident

Whether travelers are staying relatively close to home, visiting hot spots like Nashville or Chicago, or traveling further to the east or west coast, an accident can happen at any ti...

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The 4th of July is the Most Dangerous Holiday Weekend

The 4th of July is the Most Dangerous Holiday Weekend. Burger Law wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July weekend. This is a great time to take a quick trip out of town and cat...

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When I Grow Up Scholarship

When I Grow Up | 2022 Scholarship Gary Burger and the Burger Law team are offering a $500 scholarship to eligible students. See below for scholarship content terms. Bu...

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Thanksgiving Give Away!

Give Away is something we do from time to time at Burger Law to show our appreciation to those who follow us on our social media platforms. If you want the chance to win our nex...

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Burger Law Volunteer Day

On November 19, the firm and I took the afternoon off to do a volunteer day at Gateway Pet Guardians. We spent the day cleaning and setting up some dog houses and c...

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Bullying: Break the Cycle Scholarship

Bullying: Break the Cycle | 2021 Scholarship Gary Burger and the Burger Law team are offering a $500 scholarship to eligible students. See below for scholarship content terms. ...

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Maximum Lawyer Conference 2021

I was excited to act as master of ceremonies for the Maximum Lawyer conference in St. Louis with about 250 attendees from around the country. Had fun working on my business, learnin...

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Advantages of Hiring a Small Law Firm

Hiring a law firm is a crucial decision in your personal injury case. Your choice will bear tremendous weight on the course and outcome of your claim. When it is time for you to...

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What To Do After a Premises Liability Injury

If you have been seriously injured while visiting a property, you may have a premises liability claim. The Burger Law premises liability lawyers in St. Louis are committed to re...

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Benefits of Hiring a Wrongful Death Lawyer

When you have lost a loved one in a tragedy such as a fatal car accident, workplace catastrophe, or the willful act of a malicious person, it is natural to experience a wide ran...

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Common Types of Wrongful Death Cases

You are experiencing the unimaginable. Do not make an already tender and difficult time for you and your family even tougher by trying to navigate your wrongful death case alone. Tru...

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Top Ten Reasons You Should Make Your Children Work at the Office

This post was written by Gary's daughter! Top 10 Reasons YOU should make your children work at your office Written by someone working at my dad's office! You can teach the...

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Common Premises Liability Claims

If you or someone you love were visiting a property with permission when some kind of unaddressed hazard caused you harm, you have a premise liability claim. Whether you have recent...

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Burger Law Q1 Scholarship Winner

Burger Law Announces Q1 Scholarship Winner Burger Law is pleased to announce the essay winner for this round's contest. Mr. Zackary Pinson, a recently graduated senior who attended ...

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Hootselle v. Missouri Department of Corrections Remanded Back to Trial

The Missouri Supreme Court affirmed in part and vacated in part the trial court’s judgment in this case - and remanded it back to the state court for a new trial. Hootselle v....

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Missouri Boat Crash Causes Injuries

A recent boat crash in Missouri that resulted in injuries presents a complex legal case. Determining liability and negligence in such incidents requires a thorough investigation of v...

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What is the Primary Cause of Boating Fatalities?

Boating fatalities are a tragic occurrence that can have devastating impacts on families and communities. In 2021, Missouri waterways saw 28 fatalities from boating, many of which we...

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What To Do After a Boating Accident?

Despite taking all necessary precautions, boating accidents can still occur to even the safest boaters. In Missouri, 122 people were injured and 28 were killed in recreational boatin...

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What is Careless Driving in Missouri?

Have you ever wondered, what is careless driving? In Missouri, it's legally known as "careless and imprudent driving." At Burger Law, we often find drivers unknowingly driving carele...

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What Happens if a Pedestrian Caused an Accident?

If you drive a vehicle in St Louis, MO, you may think that pedestrians always have the right of way. But what happens if a pedestrian caused an accident? Unbelievable as it may sound...

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Careless driving vs reckless driving

If you’ve ever been on the road and wondered about the difference between careless driving vs reckless driving, you’re not alone. Many drivers in Missouri get confused about thes...

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Can Someone Sue You For a Car Accident If You Have Insurance?

In most car accidents, it is often asked in St. Louis whether can someone sue you for a car accident if you have insurance. The simple answer to this is yes, having insurance does no...

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Cognitive Distractions While Driving

Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents, and one significant yet often overlooked factor is Cognitive Distractions While Driving. These are those distractions that take the ...

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How Do Adjusters Determine Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident?

Of the many questions a person is likely to face following an auto accident, perhaps the most basic and important will be: "How do adjusters determine who is at fault in a car accide...

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Where do the majority of pedestrian-motorist crashes occur?

A fundamental issue related to pedestrian safety is, Where do the majority of pedestrian-motorist crashes occur? Understanding the answer to this question is vital for both pedestri...

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What Is Reckless Driving

What is reckless driving? This major traffic offense endangers public safety and commonly results in severe car wrecks. If you are involved in a reckless driving incident in St. Loui...

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Is the Registered Owner of a Car Liable for an Accident?

Can the registered owner of a car be held liable for an accident? This is a common legal query, especially when the driver causing the accident is not the owner. Yes, the registered ...

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How Much Can I Get from an Underinsured Motorist Claim?

One of the most common questions we receive from an injured client is how much can I get from an underinsured motorist claim. Underinsured motorist coverage kicks in if you were invo...

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Average Post-Concussion Syndrome Settlement Value

The post-concussion syndrome settlement value can vary greatly, as it would depend upon case specifics; for car accident victims in St. Louis, this value includes recovery for medica...

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How Long Does a Car Accident Settlement Take in St. Louis?

People in St. Louis frequently ask this question when they are confused and navigating the aftermath of an auto accident. The process can be complex, given several variables that may...

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How Can You Avoid Highway Hypnosis?

Highway hypnosis, also known as "white-line fever," is a dangerous phenomenon that affects drivers during long and monotonous trips. How can you avoid highway hypnosis? By staying me...

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What Are the Two Collisions That Happen in a Crash?

When a car accident occurs, most people think of it as a single event. However, the reality is far more complex. You might be asking yourself: What are the two collisions that happen...

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Why Did My Car Insurance Go Up Without an Accident

Why did my car insurance go up without an accident? Car insurance rates can sometimes increase unexpectedly, even without being involved in an accident. This can be due to different ...

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Burger Law Completes Distribution of $117.5 Million Class Settlement

Burger Law has successfully paid 15,000 hard-working Missouri Corrections Officers the full settlement proceeds from a landmark $117.5 Million settlement with The State...

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We work hard every day to provide good lawyering and full compensation for our clients. Sometimes its put your head down and crank out the hard work. But it feels good to pick y...

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Burger Law In The News!

When settling big cases, you're bound to get noticed, and the media has once again noticed the Missouri Corrections Officer case - this time that we are putting checks in the ha...

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Thanks, Jasmine!

I've been involved in two CLEs in the past month, and I wanted to throw a quick shoutout to a good friend who did both of them with me. Jasmine Chen is one of the most knowle...

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LSEM’s Estate Planning CLE

Legal Services of Eastern Missouri have their CLE coming up on the Wednesday, June 28. I'm thrilled to not only have the opportunity to present, but to host as well! Here's w...

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Advanced Litigation: Last Week’s CLE

After weeks of hyping this CLE up, I promise this is the last time you'll hear about it! We had an amazing time at this month's Burger Law CLE, Advanced Litigation: Hone and Updat...

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Got CLE? Advanced Litigation: Hone and Update your Litigation Practice

Got CLE? Need diversity/bias or ethics credit? Need to update and hone your litigation practices? Want more clients? Our great speakers will teach advanced techniques to ...

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CLE on Advanced Litigation June 2023

It's that time again! We're gearing up for our next CLE event! So....SAVE THE DATE! June 13, 2023! - BY ZOOM from 10 am to 2 pm. Advanced Litigation: Hone and Update Your Litigat...

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Love in the Time of Corona

We presented a great CLE two Fridays ago - attended by over 100 lawyers. Phil Tatlow presented on ERISA, I did a talk on resolving Liens, and Dave Crawford and I did an ethics sessi...

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Pandemic Court Schedules

Courts have closed all over the area. Here's an article on the Missouri Supreme Court's response to the pandemic. How do you know what each one is doing? The Missouri Supreme Cour...

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CLE – How NOT to have your expert struck

Taking a treater's depo and worried about foundation? Naming a bunch of defense experts and wondering if plaintiff's counsel is going to try to strike some of them? Not really sure ...

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Consumer Collection Lawsuits – Part II

Last email newsletter i wrote about consumer debt and how our courts are clogged with collection suits by large credit card and debt companies against Americans. The numbers don�...

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Defendant’s Medical Records in Illinois

Cannot get Defendant's Medical records in Illinois At the end of 2018 the Illinois Supreme Court delivered an opinion that leaves a lot of questions for Plaintiffs going into the...

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Tort Deform – 2019

With the new year comes a new political landscape for attorneys and their clients. Since this time last year, Missouri has seen changes in Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney Ge...

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Advanced Trial Law

Advanced Trial LawPersonal Injury Lawyer Can you submit a case to a jury on two different legal theories? Q: Do you have to elect your remedy before going to the ju...

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What Happens When You File a Lawsuit

Hi, I’m Gary Burger of Burger Law. We’ve spent the last week or so at the firm filing a lot of lawsuits, and my clients asked me, “Why are we filing a lawsuit? Why are we doin...

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What Happens During Litigation?

So, once we file a lawsuit, many of my clients ask me, “What happens in litigation? How does it proceed? What do we do?” I’m Gary Burger from Burger Law, and we have different...

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Lawsuits in the US

Tort Reform in Missouri With Governor Greitens' tort reform measures going into effect in about a month, I looked at the impact of personal injury lawsuits on courts in Missouri an...

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Missouri Judicial System Broken?

Missouri Judicial System Broken? Governor Greitens came down pretty hard on trial lawyers last week in his State of the State speech: Missouri attracts the “nastiest la...

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20 ways to be a good lawyer

1)     Behave yourself. 2)     Answer the phone. 3)     Return your phone calls. 4)     Pay your bills. 5)     Keep your hands off your clients’ money...

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Contract and Transactional Disputes

In addition to personal injury, worker's compensation and medical malpractice cases, we handle contract and transactional disputes between parties. We currently represent business o...

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Defective Product Recalls and Consumer Rights

Defective Product Recalls and Consumer Rights. If a dangerous or recalled product injured you or a loved one, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. When a manuf...

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Lawanda’s Video About Her Case and Settlement

We filed and litigated a product liability case for Lawanda and were able to resolve her case. She was burned by a massage chair. Here's a video she did with me, pre - corona. [w...

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Consumer Collection Lawsuits – Part II

Last email newsletter i wrote about consumer debt and how our courts are clogged with collection suits by large credit card and debt companies against Americans. The numbers don�...

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Consumer Collection Lawsuits – Part I

So, I was sitting in Lincoln County court on Tuesday to set an auto crash case for trial. We represent a client who was hit and needs a surgery. We are hopeful to settle the case,...

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Tort Deform – 2019

With the new year comes a new political landscape for attorneys and their clients. Since this time last year, Missouri has seen changes in Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney Ge...

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Advanced Trial Law

Advanced Trial LawPersonal Injury Lawyer Can you submit a case to a jury on two different legal theories? Q: Do you have to elect your remedy before going to the ju...

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What Happens When You File a Lawsuit

Hi, I’m Gary Burger of Burger Law. We’ve spent the last week or so at the firm filing a lot of lawsuits, and my clients asked me, “Why are we filing a lawsuit? Why are we doin...

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What Happens During Litigation?

So, once we file a lawsuit, many of my clients ask me, “What happens in litigation? How does it proceed? What do we do?” I’m Gary Burger from Burger Law, and we have different...

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Lawsuits in the US

Tort Reform in Missouri With Governor Greitens' tort reform measures going into effect in about a month, I looked at the impact of personal injury lawsuits on courts in Missouri an...

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Third Trial of the Year

I had back to back trials recently. The second was a two-week trial in Federal Court against General Motors on behalf of my client. We sued GM alleging their roof on GMC Savanna...

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Sepsis Medical Malpractice Settlement – $1 Mil

$1 Million Dollar Settlement to Family of Man with Sepsis Infection  It is estimated that between 28 and 50 % of the 1 million people who contract sepsis each year die. Many times...

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U-Haul Auctions Off Owner’s Belongings

Gary represents a woman who had her property (contents of house and family heirlooms) taken when it was stored at a local U-Haul storage facility.  She paid her rent for the unit b...

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Nursing Home Injuries

If you, your parent, family member or friend has been injured in a nursing home due to abuse, neglect or even an intentional act of a nursing home employee, call us and we can help....

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FLSA/Wage and Hour

St. Louis attorney Gary Burger represents employees who are not paid adequately. The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and Missouri labor laws protect workers to make sure they ge...

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Fair Labor Standards Act

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the law that governs minimum wages and overtime pay. The FLSA was enacted by Congress in 1938 and has been the core law protecting workers’ r...

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When Knee Replacements Go Wrong

Dealing with a faulty knee replacement can be a pain, and one of the biggest challenges people face in approaching this issue is finding the information you need to get started....

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Defective Product Recalls and Consumer Rights

Defective Product Recalls and Consumer Rights. If a dangerous or recalled product injured you or a loved one, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. When a manuf...

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Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents. Slip and fall accidents can occur in the workplace, at home, or in public for a variety of reasons. In 2019, over 8 millions people w...

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Couple Settles Claim for Out-of-Code Deck Collapse for $1.4 Million

On May 27, 2013, Michael Macharia and his wife Mary were on their apartment deck when it collapsed. The second floor deck detached when the short nails affixing the deck to the wall...

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Who Is Liable for Police Dog Bite Wounds in Saint Louis?

The police dog bite wounds bring extreme physical and emotional stress, raising questions about who is responsible for the injuries. The police dogs are well-trained animals that ass...

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Pro-Bono Justice for Peaches

Burger Law loves animals and we love helping clients in need who cannot afford to pay for an attorney. We recently had the privilege of representing our client, Wayne, pro bono ...

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What To Do After a Dog Bite

A dog bite can cause serious injuries that have lasting consequences on your well-being. After being experiencing a dog bite injury, you must act quickly and receive the medical car...

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Children and Dog Bites

Children and their dogs can have close bonds, but we must never forget that dogs are animals and sometimes they feel that they have to attack. As a parent or another family memb...

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We work hard every day to provide good lawyering and full compensation for our clients. Sometimes its put your head down and crank out the hard work. But it feels good to pick y...

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The Dog Days of Summer

It’s no secret that we love our pets around here. Which is a big part of the reason that we love working with our friends at Gateway Pet Guardians! If you’ve never heard ...

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Fighting a Unique(ly) Bad Insurance Company

On August 27, 2015, Gary Burger tried an uninsured motorist claim for Christopher Smith and his daughter.  We won the case, received the decision last week, and Unique Insurance...

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St. Louis Cardinals vs. Chicago Cubs Ticket Giveaway for May 24, 2024

We are running a contest on Facebook to give away two tickets to the May 24, 2024 Cardinals - Cubs game! Enter below and best of luck!

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Nurses for Newborns Donation Drive!

This month, Burger Law is partnering with Nurses for Newborns for a Donation Drive. We're collecting baby and food items for them. Here's the list of what they need. Here’s h...

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The Griffin Center

I've had the good fortune of getting to work with a number of charities over the years. One that I don't often talk about–but my family has supported for years–is th...

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The Dog Days of Summer

It’s no secret that we love our pets around here. Which is a big part of the reason that we love working with our friends at Gateway Pet Guardians! If you’ve never heard ...

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Free Cardinals Tickets Giveaway!

In running my legal business, I focus on firm's keys to success. And honestly, there's a number of things that have led to our success--great lawyers always fighting for our cli...

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Thanks, Jasmine!

I've been involved in two CLEs in the past month, and I wanted to throw a quick shoutout to a good friend who did both of them with me. Jasmine Chen is one of the most knowle...

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Advanced Litigation: Last Week’s CLE

After weeks of hyping this CLE up, I promise this is the last time you'll hear about it! We had an amazing time at this month's Burger Law CLE, Advanced Litigation: Hone and Updat...

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A Special Touch

When we say we care about our clients, it's not hyperbole. These are real people with real lives going through real struggles, so I believe it's important to not just handle their l...

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Review of the Month: April 2023

The Review of the Month is back! When we ask our clients why they picked us, the number one answer is always that they saw our reviews on Google, and it sounds like we do gre...

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500 Subscribers on YouTube!

When I first started out on my Burger Law journey, one of the first things I did was to establish a YouTube video for the brand. When I did, I had two goals in mind: First--and ...

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Review of the Month: March 2023

The Review of the Month is back! When we ask our clients why they picked us, the number one answer is always that they saw our reviews on Google, and it sounds like we do gre...

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CLE: Save the Date!

It's that time again! We're gearing up for our next CLE event! So.... SAVE THE DATE! June 13, 2023! - BY ZOOM from 10 am to 2 pm. Burger Law 4 Hour ...

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Do Opening Day The Safe Way!

Do Opening Day the Safe Way! Heading to Busch Stadium for Opening Day? Watching another championship chase kick off on freshly cut grass and a finely raked infield is a St. Loui...

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Burger Law is #AllForCITY!

It's been a great week for Football in St Louis, no matter your definition of that word! The Hawks are back in the 314. But I am more of a soccer dude. Last S...

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Seasons Greetings from Burger Law

At the end of the year and around the holidays, I try to slow down and reflect on the previous year, be grateful, and to think about the next year. So, if you'll indulge me for a mom...

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Climate Change: Courts, Corporations and Consequences

As we continue to see more and more of the environmental effects of climate change on the world around us, courts have also seen an increase in civil suits alleging that climate ch...

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Burger Law Completes Distribution of $117.5 Million Class Settlement

Burger Law has successfully paid 15,000 hard-working Missouri Corrections Officers the full settlement proceeds from a landmark $117.5 Million settlement with The State...

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By the Book

I've been fortunate enough to do a lot of really cool things in my career, but I think one of the most fun, unexpected things that's happened, is that I've become a published author...

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Burger Law in Riverfront Times: Metro East Bank Sued by Widow of Slain Security Guard

Riverfront Times Story: Widow Sues Bank for Security Guard Death In August 2021, a deadly bank robbery made the news in the St. Louis area. Security guard Ted Horn was shot and ...

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AV Preeminent!

My team and I are always hard at work on cases. Every time I turn around, I'm in mediation, in court trying cases, taking depositions, meeting with our team, I'm on the phone wi...

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We work hard every day to provide good lawyering and full compensation for our clients. Sometimes its put your head down and crank out the hard work. But it feels good to pick y...

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Burger Law In The News!

When settling big cases, you're bound to get noticed, and the media has once again noticed the Missouri Corrections Officer case - this time that we are putting checks in the ha...

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1-55 Pevely Truck Accident – Married Couple Killed

Tragedy struck in the Pevely area of Jefferson County this past Monday, November 23, 2020, when a married couple was killed in an auto accident. The Jefferson County I-55 accident t...

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Can the Supreme Court Decide this Presidential Election?

Presidental Election 2020 The popular vote in the Presidential election of 2020 is approaching a record-setting 140 million votes. The outcome of this election hangs in the balan...

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Mediation CLE

Mediation CLE | November 12, 2020 Gary is very psyched to be presenting at an upcoming CLE by United States Arbitration and Mediation Services on Advocacy Tips and Secrets vi...

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The McCloskeys: A Bad Faith Claim?

Are the McCloskeys in Bad Faith When They Claim? Below is a list of statements the McCloskeys are claiming to support their actions: Democrats want to "abolish the suburbs" w...

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Check Out These Episodes of our Lawyer v. Lawyer Podcasts and Ask a Lawyer FB shows

Are you interested in hearing from experienced Missouri and Illinois lawyers about current events, tort law and winning your personal injury claim? Gary Burger hosts a podcast w...

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Love in the Time of Corona

We presented a great CLE two Fridays ago - attended by over 100 lawyers. Phil Tatlow presented on ERISA, I did a talk on resolving Liens, and Dave Crawford and I did an ethics sessi...

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Fatal car accidents spike on Missouri state roadways amidst Coronavirus pandemic

Despite the decrease in drivers on the road due to the coronavirus pandemic, fatal car accidents have significantly increased in Missouri. According to the Missouri State Highwa...

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Black Lives Matter

It's important to teach your children well. We have taken the opportunity to stand up for what we believe and participate in peaceful protesting. William and I were interviewed a...

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Insurance Fraud Punishment in Missouri

Insurance fraud can lead to serious consequences, both legally and financially. Whether it's exaggerating a claim or creating a completely false one, the insurance fraud punishment ...

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Bad Faith Failure To Settle

What Is Bad Faith Failure To Settle? It's when and insurance company will not reasonably settle a claim and damages its insured, or customer, in Missouri. Bad Faith is "the inten...

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How to Write a Settlement Demand Letter for Maximum Compensation

How to write a settlement demand letter for maximum compensation. One of the most important steps in the personal injury claim process is writing a settlement demand letter. A settl...

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The Rules of the Game: Your Rights When Dealing With the Insurance Companies

Have you ever tried to play a new board game without fully reading the rules? It causes problems, doesn't it? The same thing goes when battling insurance companies. It's important...

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Lies the Insurance Companies Tell

At the end of the day, the insurance company is out to make money, so they'll often do whatever they can to minimize the value of your claim. Do you know some of the false statem...

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Don’t Settle Your Claim Before You Know the Full Extent of Your Injuries

I'm not to proud to admit, I hate waiting. It's no secret around here. But the fact of the matter is, sometimes, waiting is one of the most important things you can do to maximize y...

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Mandatory, Non-Binding Arbitration of an Illinois Vehicle Accident Case

Unlike Missouri accident victims who have a right to a jury trial under Missouri’s Constitution, Article I, § 22(a), in Illinois, they may be obligated to first participate in �...

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Get Your Facts Straight!

Do you know all the facts and have you fully investigated the case? Is the insurance company trying to settle your case at a discount because they say: you are at fault; the imp...

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DIY Settlements

Although a little counterintuitive, one of the mistakes people make is they do not try to settle small cases themselves. Yes, do not trust the insurance company, and yes, get a good...

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Negotiate Like a Pro!

One of the most critical parts of settling your case is the negotiation phase. With between an estimated 90-95% of injury cases settling before going to trial, I can't underscore en...

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Common Mistakes People Make in a Personal Injury Claim

Common mistakes people make in a personal injury claim. Personal injury claims can be complex and overwhelming. If you have been injured by another's negligence, you are owed compen...

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The Pros and Cons of Settling vs. Going to Trial in Personal Injury Cases

The Pros and Cons of Settling vs. Going to Trial in Personal Injury Cases. Personal injury cases can be overwhelming and confusing, especially when it comes to deciding whether to a...

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Why Settle For Less?

A few weeks ago, we took a case to arbitration. Long story short, our client elected to take an offer that I believed was far below what we could have won, because they needed the m...

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You Can Lien on us at Burger Law!

A $70K Lien, Reduced In Full I speak a lot about making sure we secure a good recovery for our clients but that is only half the battle. We also work hard to reduce any outstanding ...

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Holding Insurers Accountable

We continue to be super busy at the firm. And our battles with insurance companies keeps continuing. It never ends. I have done about 5 mediations in the last two weeks and have w...

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When Is It Too Late to Fire Your Attorney?

Firing a lawyer is a usual option, but the timing can affect your case. For instance, if your trial is near, switching attorneys may cause delays in the legal process. You have the r...

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How to Fire Your Lawyer

How to fire your lawyer? Everyone has a right to expert and dedicated legal representation. If you hired a lawyer who you later find to be not qualified or who is not doing everythin...

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Climate Change: Courts, Corporations and Consequences

As we continue to see more and more of the environmental effects of climate change on the world around us, courts have also seen an increase in civil suits alleging that climate ch...

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What Happens When a Lawyer Commits Perjury in Missouri?

Perjury occurs when a person makes a statement under oath while they know it is not the truth. Most perjury cases in Missouri happen when a witness tells a lie related to an investig...

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What Reason Would a Missouri Lawyer Have to Withdraw From a Case?

When a personal injury attorney accepts a case, they intend to complete a claim and achieve the best possible outcome. Even so, circumstances often change, forcing an attorney to wit...

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Bad Faith Failure To Settle

What Is Bad Faith Failure To Settle? It's when and insurance company will not reasonably settle a claim and damages its insured, or customer, in Missouri. Bad Faith is "the inten...

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What Happens When a Lawyer Commits Perjury in Missouri?

Perjury occurs when a person makes a statement under oath while they know it is not the truth. Most perjury cases in Missouri happen when a witness tells a lie related to an investig...

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When Is It Too Late to Fire Your Attorney?

Hiring the Right Attorney You need the right attorney to obtain a fair settlement amount for your injury-related losses. When working with an attorney, clients hope for a fruitful w...

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Can I make a left turn at a red traffic signal?

Even from a one-way street to another one-way street? When I leave my parking garage to go home every evening, I stop at a traffic light right outside my building. It is on a one...

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The Rules of the Game: Your Rights When Dealing With the Insurance Companies

Have you ever tried to play a new board game without fully reading the rules? It causes problems, doesn't it? The same thing goes when battling insurance companies. It's important...

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How Not To File a Continuance

I had a trial set in a week in July that I also set a family vacation. My client (and friend) had been sued and filed a counterclaim against the other side. Roofing project gone w...

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Right to a Jury

The Seventh Amendment of the United States of the Constitution provides: “In suits at common law, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved.” Jury service is an...

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Settlement, Evidence in Trial and Ethics CLE

Continuing Legal Education The Hard Stuff in PI Cases: Settlement, Evidence in Trial and Ethics Burger Law is hosting a virtual Zoom CLE on Thursday April 28, 2022 from 11 a.m....

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Unjustly Enriched

We recently filed a Motion for Summary Judgment in a case. The Motion included asking the court for judgment on an Unjust Enrichment claim. Unjust enrichment is a sometimes overl...

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Top 10 Differences Between Illinois and Missouri Injury Law

Top 10 Differences Between Illinois and Missouri Injury Law Q: Would you rather be in Illinois or Missouri for you injury claim? A: It depends (such a lawyer answer) 1. Stat...

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What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most frequent types of car accidents in St. Louis and across the country, often resulting in property damage, personal injuries, and financial hard...

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Sepsis Malpractice Settlements

Sepsis is a life-threatening medical emergency that requires prompt and accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and continuous monitoring. It is a severe medical condition that oc...

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Patient Abandonment as Medical Malpractice

What is Patient Abandonment? Patient abandonment is when a physician unexpectedly terminates the doctor-patient relationship without providing a reasonable excuse or an avenue for t...

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How Long Do You Have to Sue for Medical Malpractice?

A medical malpractice lawsuit allows people injured due to medical negligence to recover compensation from their healthcare providers and, often, facilities that employ those provide...

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Overview of Sepsis Malpractice Settlements

Sepsis is a severe medical condition that occurs when the body’s immune response develops an extreme reaction to an infection. Part of the body’s reaction includes damage to its ...

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Types of Cancer That Can Become Incurable or Terminal Without a Prompt Diagnosis

Prompt and accurate cancer diagnosis is crucial for successful treatment and improved patient outcomes. While significant advancements have been made in cancer detection and treatmen...

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The Loss of Chance Doctrine

The Loss of Chance Doctrine. Medical malpractice typically refers to situations where a medical professional's negligence leads to a patient's harm. But if a doctor didn't ...

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Medication Errors and Dangerous Drug Interactions

Medication errors and dangerous drug interactions. Medical malpractice law is a very complex and niche subsection of personal injury law. Throughout the course of your medical care ...

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Misdiagnosis and Failure to Diagnose in Medical Malpractice Claims

Misdiagnosis and Failure to Diagnose in Medical Malpractice Claims. A correct and timely diagnosis is one of the most important aspects of getting a patient proper treatment. Every ...

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When a Doctor is Liable for Cerebral Palsy

When a doctor is liable for cerebral palsy. When doctors or hospitals break the rules and provide substandard levels of care, it can have a devastating effect on you and your fa...

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Medical Malpractice Damage Caps in Illinois

Medical malpractice damage caps in Illinois. The medical malpractice lawyers at Burger Law work tirelessly to make things right after you have been affected by medical malpracti...

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Medical Malpractice Damage Caps in Missouri

Medical Malpractice Damage Caps in MissouriAt Burger Law, we have over 25 years of experience handling medical malpractice cases. If you feel you were deprived of the standard o...

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Do I Have a Medical Malpractice Case?

Do I Have a Medical Malpractice Case? The medical malpractice lawyers at Burger Law are here to answer that very question. Armed with decades of experience in the field and mill...

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Legal Questions Answered

I am trying to answer peoples legal questions on a Facebook show we have been doing. Here's some new questions we answer on our website. - What do I need to collect from the sc...

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Ask a Lawyer and Insta-Cart Giveaway

Here's a video of my fourth Ask-a -Lawyer Facebook show. Let me know what you think. Tune in today at 3 pm for another - ask me some good questions. [wdac-youtube id="D7dqQSuE_...

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Most Common Type of Collisions Between Cars and Motorcycles

What is the most common type of collision between cars and motorcycles? If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle crash, call the personal injury lawyers of Burger Law ...

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Motorcyclist Killed in Missouri Crash

Fatal motorcycle accidents in Missouri can leave a wake of devastation. They involve not only the tragic loss of a loved one but also the complicated legal processes that follow. Det...

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Dirt Bike Crashes

Dirt bike crashes can lead to significant injuries and bring about complicated legal cases. These accidents often involve multiple parties, such as the dirt bike riders, other motor ...

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Average Motorcycle Accident Settlement Amount

Were you in a terrifying motorcycle accident that caused you serious injuries? Do you have medical bills coming in? Have you missed work and lost income? If you are dealing with t...

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What Is the Helmet Law in Missouri?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that helmet use saved approximately 25,000 lives over 15 years in the United States. Motorcyclists who operate wi...

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What To Do After a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycles are less stable and visible but have high-performance capabilities. In case of a crash, the rider and the passenger don’t benefit from the protection found in enclosed ...

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New Years Resolution: Drop the Distractions and Drive!

At the beginning of a new year, it's a tradition for many to come up with a New Year's Resolution, or something you wish to improve upon in the new year. Have you made yours yet...

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Staying Safe On The Road

I recently read an interesting report from the New York Times dealing with how vehicle deaths are on the rise in America, yet down for most of the rest of the world–especially...

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Brandon’s $100,000 Settlement

$100,000 Settlment We settled a case for the $100,000 policy limits only 3 months after signing a representation agreement with our client Brandon. The Accident In Apri...

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Ask a Lawyer and Insta-Cart Giveaway

Here's a video of my fourth Ask-a -Lawyer Facebook show. Let me know what you think. Tune in today at 3 pm for another - ask me some good questions. [wdac-youtube id="D7dqQSuE_...

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Rut in Road Injures Motorcyclist

Rut in Road Injures Motorcyclist We represented Dennis against the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. This case goes way back to 2011 (we were referred this case by an...

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Rut in Road Injures Motorcyclist

Rut in Road Injures Motorcyclist We represented Dennis against the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. This case goes way back to 2011 (we were referred this case by ...

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Driving Safely Can Prevent Accidents

Driving Safely Can Prevent Accidents So, summer is upon us. It’s June, the middle of June, it’s hot, and the incidence and the rate of automobile accidents skyrocket in June,...

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Headaches Caused by Whiplash

Headaches Caused by Whiplash Post traumatic headaches, or headaches caused by whiplash is the second most common symptom of whiplash after neck pain. There are 5 different types al...

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Lawsuits in the US

Tort Reform in Missouri With Governor Greitens' tort reform measures going into effect in about a month, I looked at the impact of personal injury lawsuits on courts in Missouri an...

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Bad Faith Failure To Settle

What Is Bad Faith Failure To Settle? It's when and insurance company will not reasonably settle a claim and damages its insured, or customer, in Missouri. Bad Faith is "the inten...

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Client Appreciation Ticket Giveaway

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Our clients are a crucial part of our success. We've got a ton of great clients, and we're so grateful for them. As a way of showi...

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Nurses for Newborns Donation Drive!

This month, Burger Law is partnering with Nurses for Newborns for a Donation Drive. We're collecting baby and food items for them. Here's the list of what they need. Here’s h...

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Act Fast!

A common mistake people make in their car accident case is ignoring time limits and not acting rapidly on their claim. Justice delayed is justice denied. If you do not contact the ...

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The Griffin Center

I've had the good fortune of getting to work with a number of charities over the years. One that I don't often talk about–but my family has supported for years–is th...

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The Dog Days of Summer

It’s no secret that we love our pets around here. Which is a big part of the reason that we love working with our friends at Gateway Pet Guardians! If you’ve never heard ...

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The Rules of the Game: Your Rights When Dealing With the Insurance Companies

Have you ever tried to play a new board game without fully reading the rules? It causes problems, doesn't it? The same thing goes when battling insurance companies. It's important...

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Welcome, Terrion!

Please join me in welcoming the newest member of our team, Terrion Hines-Newson! Terrion is a graduate of Lane College, where he majored in Mass Communications on an athletic scho...

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Free Cardinals Tickets Giveaway!

In running my legal business, I focus on firm's keys to success. And honestly, there's a number of things that have led to our success--great lawyers always fighting for our cli...

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Stay Safe in Summer Storms!

We've had a ton of dangerous storms come through town over the last few weeks, so I thought it might be a good time to remind us all about summer storm safety: Summer storms ...

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A Special Touch

When we say we care about our clients, it's not hyperbole. These are real people with real lives going through real struggles, so I believe it's important to not just handle their l...

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Review of the Month May 2023

When we ask our clients why they picked us, the number one answer is always that they saw our reviews on Google, and it sounds like we do great work and care about our clients. ...

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New Book: More Client Success Stories!

Since forming Burger Law, I quickly committed myself to organizing my contact list and sending an emailed newsletter every other week to friends, lawyers, colleagues, and clients. I...

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What Makes a Good Lawyer?

“What makes a good lawyer?” I get asked this question from time to time. There can be many answers to it (or ask ChatGPT). But one answer can be a recent story from the f...

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Get Your Facts Straight!

Do you know all the facts and have you fully investigated the case? Is the insurance company trying to settle your case at a discount because they say: you are at fault; the imp...

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Is it difficult to sue a nursing home?

Is it difficult to sue a nursing home? This is a common question families ask when their loved ones suffer harm in a nursing facility. Filing a lawsuit against a nursing home can fee...

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9 Warning Signs of Nursing Home Negligence

Nine Warning Signs of Nursing Home Negligence. We trust nursing homes to take care of our loved ones when they are at their most vulnerable. When nursing homes and their staff b...

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Medical Malpractice Damage Caps in Missouri

Medical Malpractice Damage Caps in MissouriAt Burger Law, we have over 25 years of experience handling medical malpractice cases. If you feel you were deprived of the standard o...

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Opioid Update

We have multiple lawsuits against Opioid Manufacturers for their dangerous products killing our clients. We sue them under strict and negligent products liability. But was also sue ...

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Battling the Opioid Crisis with Marijuana Derivatives

The opioid crisis continues to rage across the United States and researchers trying to combat it are increasingly trying to find ways to reduce or eliminate the way opioids trigger ...

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Newest Additions in the Fight to End the Opioid Epidemic

CVS –the retail pharmacy chain most known for its move to stop selling cigarettes in 2014 has made another bold move. With the growing use of opiates, CVS is looking to help comba...

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Update on the Opioid Crisis in Missouri and Beyond

Recently, in the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, we had a Multidistrict Litigation hearing to decide if all current opioid litigation should be consolidated into...

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What Happens if a Pedestrian Caused an Accident?

If you drive a vehicle in St Louis, MO, you may think that pedestrians always have the right of way. But what happens if a pedestrian caused an accident? Unbelievable as it may sound...

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Where do the majority of pedestrian-motorist crashes occur?

A fundamental issue related to pedestrian safety is, Where do the majority of pedestrian-motorist crashes occur? Understanding the answer to this question is vital for both pedestri...

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What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most frequent types of car accidents in St. Louis and across the country, often resulting in property damage, personal injuries, and financial hard...

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New Years Resolution: Drop the Distractions and Drive!

At the beginning of a new year, it's a tradition for many to come up with a New Year's Resolution, or something you wish to improve upon in the new year. Have you made yours yet...

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Staying Safe On The Road

I recently read an interesting report from the New York Times dealing with how vehicle deaths are on the rise in America, yet down for most of the rest of the world–especially...

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Pedestrian Accidents on the Rise in St. Louis

Pedestrian Accidents on the Rise So I was walking to grab some lunch recently, and it hit me…or rather, it almost did. Motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians have become...

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Understanding Demand Packages

Getting hurt in a pedestrian accident can leave you with injuries, confusion, and a host of questions. You may hear one term commonly: demand package. It is a crucial ingredient in m...

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Is a personal injury settlement considered income in Missouri?

Receiving a personal injury settlement can be frustrating. Is a personal injury settlement considered income? The answer isn’t always simple, but understanding how this will impa...

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When Is It Too Late to Fire Your Attorney?

Firing a lawyer is a usual option, but the timing can affect your case. For instance, if your trial is near, switching attorneys may cause delays in the legal process. You have the r...

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Personal Injury Demand Pain and Suffering Letter Example

Has someone injured you in an accident due to negligence, and you are seeking fair compensation? Then a personal injury demand letter is the primary tool to achieve that goal. This...

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Slip and Fall Settlements Without Surgery

Whether at a restaurant or a store, wet or other hazardous conditions can cause slip and fall accidents. Despite the cause of a slip and fall accident, the property owner where the i...

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How to Sue the Federal Government

Most of the time, when you file a lawsuit in civil court like a personal injury case, you will file against another private party, such as an individual or company. However, there ar...

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What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most frequent types of car accidents in St. Louis and across the country, often resulting in property damage, personal injuries, and financial hard...

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My Insurance Company Denied My Claim: Now What

If you've been injured by the negligent actions of someone else, bringing a personal injury claim with an insurance company is a key step in seeking legal recovery. However, not ever...

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What Happens After I Accept a Settlement Offer?

Agreeing to a settlement offer in a personal injury claim can bring a sense of relief, but it also comes with important legal considerations and consequences. What happens after I ac...

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Lower Back Pain After Car Accident: What To Do?

If you have back pain after a car accident, don’t ignore it, even if it feels minor. Always seek a medical evaluation to diagnose any back injuries that are not immediately apparen...

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Personal Injury Settlement Amounts Examples

Personal Injury Settlement Amounts Examples: Knowing what compensation you might receive after an injury is a determining part of the process. Amounts can vary significantly, typical...

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What Is an Attorney Lien Letter

What is an attorney lien letter? In most personal injury cases, attorneys adopt a contingency fee agreement. This means they only obtain attorney fees if they secure a settlement or ...

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Last Clear Chance Doctrine in Missouri

The Last Clear Chance Doctrine in Missouri is a legal principle that can introduce challenges in personal injury cases. Under this doctrine, if a party is in a position to prevent an...

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What Happens When You Reject An Insurance Settlement Offer?

What happens when you reject an insurance settlement offer? After an accident and injuries, your insurance settlement is key to your financial future. Too many people make the mistak...

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Management and Training Corporation Lawsuit

A management and training corporation lawsuit can be incredibly complex and challenging, as they often involve multiple parties, extensive legal research and analysis, and intricate ...

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What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most frequent types of car accidents in St. Louis and across the country, often resulting in property damage, personal injuries, and financial hard...

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What To Do After a Premises Liability Injury

If you have been seriously injured while visiting a property, you may have a premises liability claim. The Burger Law premises liability lawyers in St. Louis are committed to re...

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Common Premises Liability Claims

If you or someone you love were visiting a property with permission when some kind of unaddressed hazard caused you harm, you have a premise liability claim. Whether you have recent...

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Maurice’s Slip and Fall Case

Maurice Hammonds | A Slip and Fall Case Maurice was kind enough to stop by the office to discuss his recent settlement with his lawyer, Gary Burger. We worked hard to get Maurice a...

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CASE STUDY: Confidential Slip and Fall Settlement

Looking back and understanding the success and failures of past cases is necessary for an attorney to learn from his craft and better prepare for his next feat in the court room. Th...

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CASE STUDY: $270,000 Bike Premises Settlement

Overview: This case brought together two elements of personal injury law, condition of property and negligence claims. These claims came about after my client, Kim, was riding his...

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Helping Edna Get the Slip and Fall Settlement She Deserves

Our client, Edna, slipped on grease at a Denny’s restaurant in May of 2015. Despite Edna and her husband asking the manager for the restaurant’s insurance information, they ref...

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Watch Out for Black Ice!

The rain, falling temperatures, and icy conditions that St. Louis has been experiencing has inspired me to discuss slip and fall law in Missouri. I had two clients ask us to navigat...

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Settlement Day After the Depo

Mike was sitting on a retaining wall at a housing complex when it collapsed. He was hurt badly, but the defendants offered next to nothing for his injuries and we argued with them f...

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What to Do if Injured in a Store

What do you do when you’re injured because of a dangerous condition at a store? Well, we have many, many of these cases, and the dangerous conditions can be many. We have thin...

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Hotel Stair Collapse Settlement

We got a fantastic settlement for $55,000 for a client in his slip and fall case. Shaun was traveling in Georgia and staying at a Motel 6. While he was walking down the motel’s ou...

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Property Owner Responsibility

Does a homeowner or a landowner have to pay you if you slip and fall or trip and fall on their property? The answer is no. Many homeowners or business owners do not have to pay ...

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Sneaky Apartment Lease – Look Out For Non-Liability Clause

Recently, we defeated a Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings for one of our clients. Michael slipped and fell on ice last winter at his apartment complex when a water main ruptured ...

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Do You Automatically Get a Recovery If You Fall on Someone’s Property

Gary: I’m Gary Burger of Burger Law. I have over two decades of experience in representing individuals injured because of the dangerous condition of property. Landowners, whet...

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Do You Automatically Get a Recovery If You Fall on Someone’s Property

[youtube]https://youtu.be/3uhnJGVJ-CE[/youtube] Gary: I’m Gary Burger of Burger Law. I have over two decades of experience in representing individuals injured because of the da...

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Does Prilosec Cause Cancer?

Continued use of the proton pump inhibitor(PPI) acid-suppressing agent, such as Prilosec (omeprazole), is linked with an increased risk of stomach cancer (gastric cancer). PPIs are c...

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When Knee Replacements Go Wrong

Dealing with a faulty knee replacement can be a pain, and one of the biggest challenges people face in approaching this issue is finding the information you need to get started....

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Defective Product Recalls and Consumer Rights

Defective Product Recalls and Consumer Rights. If a dangerous or recalled product injured you or a loved one, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. When a manuf...

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200+ Testimonial Videos!

You know, we can talk all day about how we're awesome lawyers, but at the end of the day, it's just words. And those words tend to mean more when they come from our clients. Which i...

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Review of the Month: February ’23

I'd like to take a moment to introduce a new initiative we're doing around here: the Review of the Month! When we ask our clients why they picked us, the number one answer is alwa...

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We work hard every day to provide good lawyering and full compensation for our clients. Sometimes its put your head down and crank out the hard work. But it feels good to pick y...

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Burger Law In The News!

When settling big cases, you're bound to get noticed, and the media has once again noticed the Missouri Corrections Officer case - this time that we are putting checks in the ha...

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Pro-Bono Justice for Peaches

Burger Law loves animals and we love helping clients in need who cannot afford to pay for an attorney. We recently had the privilege of representing our client, Wayne, pro bono ...

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Vicki’s Car Accident Case

Vicki Wilkins | Car Accident Case Lawner Gary Burger speaks with a client, Vicki Wilkins. Vicki was injured in a car accident when two other drivers were racing on the road around ...

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Birth Injury Settlement for $750,000

Gary Burger on a $750,000 Settlement and Confidentiality I settled a birth injury case for $750,000 recently. Rather than discussing the details of the case, I thought I would ...

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$69,000 Car Accident Settlement

Genavieve obtained a $69,000 settlement in a car accident case for her client Brandon where there was less than $14,000 in medical billing and approximately $5,500.00 in lost wa...

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Multi Vehicle Crash Settled at $356,500 Plus

Multi Vehicle Crash Settled at $356,500 with More to Come We are proud to represent Eric, as well as his daughter Rylee, who unfortunately were both injured in a motor vehicle ...

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Tim’s Pedestrian Injury Case

Recently, Gary Burger of Burger Law got a settlement for a client who had been hit by a car while walking across a St. Louis street. Tim Heydt was struck by a car in January 201...

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FLSA Overtime Pay Settlement

Settlement in FLSA Overtime Case We just settled a Federal case representing three long-term Water Distribution Supervisors against the City of St. Louis. Our hardworking clients wo...

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Michael’s Personal Injury Settlement

Gary Burger spoke with his client, Michael, after resolving his case. [wdac-youtube id="9ExBmzj8P6U"] [user-bio id="1"]

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Confidential Settlement for $110,000

Our office was referred a case from another lawyer to file a lawsuit after initial settlement discussions were not successful. The Injury Case On June 5, 2018, our client ...

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Maurice’s Slip and Fall Case

Maurice Hammonds | A Slip and Fall Case Maurice was kind enough to stop by the office to discuss his recent settlement with his lawyer, Gary Burger. We worked hard to get Maurice a...

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Brandon’s $100,000 Settlement

$100,000 Settlment We settled a case for the $100,000 policy limits only 3 months after signing a representation agreement with our client Brandon. The Accident In Apri...

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AI+ Education Scholarship 2023

AI+ Education | 2023 Scholarship Gary Burger and the Burger Law team are pleased to announce our latest $500 scholarship to eligible students. See below for scholarship con...

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At Face Value Scholarship 2023

At Face Value | 2023 Scholarship Gary Burger and the Burger Law team are offering a $500 scholarship to eligible students. See below for scholarship content terms. It is...

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Saluting Our Service Members Scholarship

Saluting Our Service Members | 2022 Scholarship Gary Burger and the Burger Law team are offering a $500 scholarship to eligible students. See below for scholarship content ...

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When I Grow Up Scholarship

When I Grow Up | 2022 Scholarship Gary Burger and the Burger Law team are offering a $500 scholarship to eligible students. See below for scholarship content terms. Bu...

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Sexual Assault at Massage Envy

My client and I were recently interviewed by a reporter from BuzzFeed for a piece on the climate of harassment at Massage Envy. We represented a client in a sexual assault case a...

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Slip and Fall Settlements Without Surgery

Whether at a restaurant or a store, wet or other hazardous conditions can cause slip and fall accidents. Despite the cause of a slip and fall accident, the property owner where the i...

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Autumn Safety Tips

Autumn safety tips. Autumn, with its vibrant foliage and cool, crisp air, is a season many eagerly await. The allure of pumpkin-spiced treats, cozy evenings by the fireplace, and th...

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What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident. Burger Law is a personal injury law firm that specializes in slip and fall injury cases. The slip and fall injury lawyers of Burger La...

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Common Slip and Fall Injuries

Common slip and fall injuries. Burger Law is a personal injury law firm that specializes in slip and fall injury cases. The attorneys of Burger Law have an extensive history of ...

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Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents. Slip and fall accidents can occur in the workplace, at home, or in public for a variety of reasons. In 2019, over 8 millions people w...

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Lower Back Pain After Car Accident: What To Do?

If you have back pain after a car accident, don’t ignore it, even if it feels minor. Always seek a medical evaluation to diagnose any back injuries that are not immediately apparen...

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Lower Back Pain After Car Accident: What To Do?

If you have back pain after a car accident, don’t ignore it, even if it feels minor. Always seek a medical evaluation to diagnose any back injuries that are not immediately apparen...

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Bad Faith Failure To Settle

What Is Bad Faith Failure To Settle? It's when and insurance company will not reasonably settle a claim and damages its insured, or customer, in Missouri. Bad Faith is "the inten...

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Act Fast!

A common mistake people make in their car accident case is ignoring time limits and not acting rapidly on their claim. Justice delayed is justice denied. If you do not contact the ...

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Summer Heat Brings More St. Louis Auto Crashes

Summer heat brings more St. Louis auto crashes. When summer comes around, you may feel like there are more crazy drivers on the road. Especially on weekends. According to the Na...

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Do Opening Day The Safe Way!

Do Opening Day the Safe Way! Heading to Busch Stadium for Opening Day? Watching another championship chase kick off on freshly cut grass and a finely raked infield is a St. Loui...

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Road Work Ahead

There's an old joke that goes "There are only two seasons in St Louis: Winter and Road Construction." With temps rising as we head into spring, expect to see more and more road ...

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Marijuana Impaired Driving in Missouri and Illinois

Marijuana Impaired Driving in Missouri and Illinois. With many states decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana, the use of marijuana and its contribution to crashes have been on ...

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Be Careful Who You Trust!

In theory, we pay insurance companies to take care of us in the event of an unfortunate disaster, like a car accident. Sounds like a decent arrangement, right? Unfortunately, insu...

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Staying Safe On The Road

I recently read an interesting report from the New York Times dealing with how vehicle deaths are on the rise in America, yet down for most of the rest of the world–especially...

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How to Stay Safe Driving in the Winter

How to Stay Safe on the Roads in the Winter. The Midwest is known for its chaotic weather. In the winter, cold freezes and sunnier days often come and go, leaving the roads slippery...

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Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Claims During the Pandemic

Our own Gary Burger was invited to speak about how to Maximize Your Client's Uninsured and Underinsured Claims During a Pandemic and Bad Faith Claims in the August 19-21, 2020 sessi...

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Ask a Lawyer and Insta-Cart Giveaway

Here's a video of my fourth Ask-a -Lawyer Facebook show. Let me know what you think. Tune in today at 3 pm for another - ask me some good questions. [wdac-youtube id="D7dqQSuE_...

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Randy’s Great $350,000 Settlement

We filed and litigated an auto rear-end crash for Randy. He was rear-ended on highway 270 going to work. I've known Randy for 20 years. Truly a great guy. He was hit pretty hard. ...

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Requeening and reopening

Yes it's Friday. The days seem to run together with working from home and the TGIF phenomenon is not there anymore. Our country's navigation through this pandemic continues, with ...

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Stop Bullying Scholarship

This Scholarship is Closed Burger Law is dedicated to giving back to the community, and for 2019 we present a new Scholarship Essay Contest! In our previous scholarship competiti...

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Fighting a Unique(ly) Bad Insurance Company

So What if You Have a Bad Insurance Experience? You pay for insurance to manage the numerous risks of driving, owning a house, or many other things. Based on the advertisements and ...

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Vicki’s Car Accident Case

Vicki Wilkins | Car Accident Case Lawner Gary Burger speaks with a client, Vicki Wilkins. Vicki was injured in a car accident when two other drivers were racing on the road around ...

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Birth Injury Settlement for $750,000

Gary Burger on a $750,000 Settlement and Confidentiality I settled a birth injury case for $750,000 recently. Rather than discussing the details of the case, I thought I would ...

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$69,000 Car Accident Settlement

Genavieve obtained a $69,000 settlement in a car accident case for her client Brandon where there was less than $14,000 in medical billing and approximately $5,500.00 in lost wa...

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Multi Vehicle Crash Settled at $356,500 Plus

Multi Vehicle Crash Settled at $356,500 with More to Come We are proud to represent Eric, as well as his daughter Rylee, who unfortunately were both injured in a motor vehicle ...

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Four Worker’s Compensation Settlements in December

Four Worker's Compensation Settlements in December We handle many types of cases at Burger Law and I’ve recently written about successes in various cases involving premises...

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FLSA Overtime Pay Settlement

Settlement in FLSA Overtime Case We just settled a Federal case representing three long-term Water Distribution Supervisors against the City of St. Louis. Our hardworking clients wo...

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Confidential Settlement for $110,000

Our office was referred a case from another lawyer to file a lawsuit after initial settlement discussions were not successful. The Injury Case On June 5, 2018, our client ...

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Brandon’s $100,000 Settlement

$100,000 Settlment We settled a case for the $100,000 policy limits only 3 months after signing a representation agreement with our client Brandon. The Accident In Apri...

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$100,000 Settlement – Passenger in a Car Accident

$100,000 Settlement Our client Peyton suffered serious injury on February 22, 2020, when riding in a vehicle driven by Hailey Cook. Ms. Cook veered off the road and crashed into a d...

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$45,000 – Mother Speaks About Child Gymnastics Party Injury Settlement

$45,000 Settlement For Child Injury At Birthday Party We were able to get a solid result for Michelle's daughter recently. They experienced a parents nightmare - broken bone ...

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Settlements in Three Cases

Our client Cindy was involved in a three car accident and we were able to recover multiple times for her. She and her husband Nick were on the way to work in Nick's work vehicle whe...

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Randy’s Great $350,000 Settlement

We filed and litigated an auto rear-end crash for Randy. He was rear-ended on highway 270 going to work. I've known Randy for 20 years. Truly a great guy. He was hit pretty hard. ...

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Requeening and reopening

Yes it's Friday. The days seem to run together with working from home and the TGIF phenomenon is not there anymore. Our country's navigation through this pandemic continues, with ...

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Lawanda’s Video About Her Case and Settlement

We filed and litigated a product liability case for Lawanda and were able to resolve her case. She was burned by a massage chair. Here's a video she did with me, pre - corona. [w...

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Conscious Pain and Suffering

Conscious pain and suffering. When tragedy strikes and someone you love is unjustly taken from you, understanding the intricacies of legal terminology is likely the last thing on you...

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Calculating Damages in a Survival Action Claim

Calculating damages in a survival action claim. When dealing with the aftermath of a loved one's tragic death due to another's negligence, there is a particular type of claim for co...

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Who Can File a Survival Action? Understanding Eligibility and Priority

Who can file a survival action? Understanding eligibility and priority. When a loved one sustains a personal injury that eventually leads to their death, those left behind are left ...

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What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most frequent types of car accidents in St. Louis and across the country, often resulting in property damage, personal injuries, and financial hard...

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Review of the Month June 2023

The Review of the Month is back! When we ask our clients why they picked us, the number one answer is always that they saw our reviews on Google, and it sounds like we do gre...

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200+ Testimonial Videos!

You know, we can talk all day about how we're awesome lawyers, but at the end of the day, it's just words. And those words tend to mean more when they come from our clients. Which i...

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Understanding What an ECM on a Semi-Truck Is

Technology is crucial in monitoring and improving vehicle performance in today's trucking industry. One of the most important pieces of equipment found in modern trucks is the Electr...

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Average Settlement For Commercial Vehicle Accident

Average Settlement For Commercial Vehicle Accident: The average settlement for this kind of incident can range between $100,000 and $750,000, but in some severe cases, they can exce...

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What Types of Injuries Are Commonly Seen in Truck Accident Victims?

In 2021, there were at least 5.4 million motor vehicle accident medically consulted injuries. Truck accidents are even more likely to cause severe injuries because of their size and ...

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What Happens in a Tow Truck Accident?

Most people expect tow trucks to help after an accident - they don’t expect tow trucks to be involved in the accident itself. However, these collisions happen and can be serious. W...

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How Federal Regulations Impact Truck Accident Lawsuits

Truck accidents occur for various reasons, including reckless driving, poor weather conditions, overspeeding, and mechanical failure. The sheer size of trucks creates a substantial f...

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Minimum Truck Accident Settlements

Understanding Minimum Truck Accident Settlements. In St. Louis, Missouri, collisions involving trucks are unfortunately frequent due to the high volume of these vehicles. If you're i...

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How Truck Accidents Are Different From Car Accidents

How truck accidents are different from car accidents. Driving accidents can happen to anyone at any time. While cars are the most commonly used mode of transportation on roads, comme...

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What are the Requirements for a Truck Emergency Kit?

Emergency Kits are Critical Commercial truck drivers are on the road for most time of the year. In addition to fatigue, they face multiple hazards on the road, including breakdowns,...

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How To Choose the Best Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents are some of the most severe and potentially devastating traffic accidents on our roads. According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), these accidents in...

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Tow Truck Licenses

Tow trucks are there to help disabled vehicles by towing illegally parked cars, changing tires, and transporting them to nearby garages. Even so, tow trucks face unique risks on the ...

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12 Safety Tips for Sharing the Road With Large Trucks

12 Safety Tips for Sharing the Road With Large Trucks. Large trucks are a common sight on our roads, and they play an essential role in society by transporting goods across the coun...

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New Years Resolution: Drop the Distractions and Drive!

At the beginning of a new year, it's a tradition for many to come up with a New Year's Resolution, or something you wish to improve upon in the new year. Have you made yours yet...

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Staying Safe On The Road

I recently read an interesting report from the New York Times dealing with how vehicle deaths are on the rise in America, yet down for most of the rest of the world–especially...

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Who Can I Sue in a School Bus Accident in Missouri and Illinois?

Protect your family's future | School Bus Accident Lawyers | Burger Law Who Can I Sue After a School Bus Accident in Missouri and Illinois? If you or your child was injured in a sc...

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1-55 Pevely Truck Accident – Married Couple Killed

Tragedy struck in the Pevely area of Jefferson County this past Monday, November 23, 2020, when a married couple was killed in an auto accident. The Jefferson County I-55 accident t...

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Legal Questions Answered

I am trying to answer peoples legal questions on a Facebook show we have been doing. Here's some new questions we answer on our website. - What do I need to collect from the sc...

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Ask a Lawyer and Insta-Cart Giveaway

Here's a video of my fourth Ask-a -Lawyer Facebook show. Let me know what you think. Tune in today at 3 pm for another - ask me some good questions. [wdac-youtube id="D7dqQSuE_...

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Blocking a Late and Tactical Liability Admission By Defense Counsel

Deposed a defendant last week who refused to admit she did anything wrong. She was driving her commercial vehicle, went too fast, slid on ice and snow, spun out perpendicular to the...

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Winter Driving Tips

Winter Driving Tips - Personal Injury Lawyer St. Louis Rules of the road vary in different weather conditions. Because winter is the most dangerous season to drive in, here are...

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What are the Rules of the Road for Truckers in St Louis?

What are the rules of the road for truck drivers? What do they have to abide by? Well, every truck driver has a commercial truck driving license. It’s a CDL. They have to get that...

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BMW 5 Series Recall

BMW drivers pride themselves on the reliability, luxury and performance that the brand promises. However, even the most reputable automakers occasionally face setbacks. Recently, BMW...

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BMW 7 Series Engine Recall

The iconic BMW 7 Series is known for its luxury and unrivaled performance. However, the series has encountered a significant setback with a recent engine recall. The recall mainly im...

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BMW X1 Recall

Recalls are an important safety measure for car manufacturers, and the BMW X1 has recently been subject to one. Whether you're an owner of this model or considering purchasing one, i...

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Where Is Lane Splitting Legal?

Being stuck in stop-and-go traffic is definitely one of the most annoying experiences of driving.  This can be even more frustrating for motorcyclists, as they are often stuck behin...

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Head-On Collisions

Head-on Collision Lawyer in St Louis. Head on collisions are one of the most serious car accidents and frequently result in severe injuries. You need a seasoned attorney who understa...

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ATV Accident Settlements

ATV Accidents are More Common Than You Think Many people enjoy riding ATVs for recreational off-roading and getting around more rugged terrain. They are a useful vehicle, especially...

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What do you do when a defendant in an auto crash and their insurance company refuses to settle a case or even communicate with you?

File, litigate and try the case.  This is what I did for the Smith- Washington family a few weeks ago.  On February 18, 2016, I tried their auto accident case in St. Clair County...

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Gateway Pet Guardians

Our work with Gateway Pet Guardians continued up to today. We fostered an 8 year old cat, who was rescued in East St. Louis. Happily, she was adopted and had moved to a great ho...

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The Importance of Documentation in a Personal Injury Claim

The importance of documentation in a personal injury claim. When you're injured by the negligence of another, proper documentation is essential for ensuring that you receive the com...

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Third Party Liability in Construction Accidents

Third Party Liability in Construction Accidents. If you have been injured in a construction accident, you may be wondering who exactly is at fault for your injuries. While you know ...

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Punitive Damages in Drunk Driving Accidents in Missouri and Illinois

Punitive Damages in Drunk Driving Accidents in Missouri and Illinois. When you are injured in a drunk driving accident, it is a good idea to sue the driver so you can receive co...

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When a Doctor is Liable for Cerebral Palsy

When a doctor is liable for cerebral palsy. When doctors or hospitals break the rules and provide substandard levels of care, it can have a devastating effect on you and your fa...

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Freedom Suits Memorial Project

Freedom Suits Memorial Project The Freedom Suits Memorial Project is dedicated to 400 courageous slaves who filed suit in Missouri Courts for their freedom and were assisted ...

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Back to Back Settlements!

Tyler and Jennifer have been working hard! We were able to get back-to-back settlements for several clients this past week. Client A We represented Client A on an accident on ...

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How Do I Prove My Medical Malpractice Claim?

How do I prove my medical malpractice claim? The lawyers at Burger Law have 20-plus years of experience of fighting for your medical malpractice claim. Call us now at (314) 500-HURT...

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Multi Vehicle Crash Settled at $356,500 Plus

Multi Vehicle Crash Settled at $356,500 with More to Come We are proud to represent Eric, as well as his daughter Rylee, who unfortunately were both injured in a motor vehicle ...

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What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most frequent types of car accidents in St. Louis and across the country, often resulting in property damage, personal injuries, and financial hard...

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200+ Testimonial Videos!

You know, we can talk all day about how we're awesome lawyers, but at the end of the day, it's just words. And those words tend to mean more when they come from our clients. Which i...

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Vicki’s Car Accident Case

Vicki Wilkins | Car Accident Case Lawner Gary Burger speaks with a client, Vicki Wilkins. Vicki was injured in a car accident when two other drivers were racing on the road around ...

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FLSA Overtime Pay Settlement

Settlement in FLSA Overtime Case We just settled a Federal case representing three long-term Water Distribution Supervisors against the City of St. Louis. Our hardworking clients wo...

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Michael’s Personal Injury Settlement

Gary Burger spoke with his client, Michael, after resolving his case. [wdac-youtube id="9ExBmzj8P6U"] [user-bio id="1"]

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Maurice’s Slip and Fall Case

Maurice Hammonds | A Slip and Fall Case Maurice was kind enough to stop by the office to discuss his recent settlement with his lawyer, Gary Burger. We worked hard to get Maurice a...

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$45,000 – Mother Speaks About Child Gymnastics Party Injury Settlement

$45,000 Settlement For Child Injury At Birthday Party We were able to get a solid result for Michelle's daughter recently. They experienced a parents nightmare - broken bone ...

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Check Out These Episodes of our Lawyer v. Lawyer Podcasts and Ask a Lawyer FB shows

Are you interested in hearing from experienced Missouri and Illinois lawyers about current events, tort law and winning your personal injury claim? Gary Burger hosts a podcast w...

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Burger Law “Stop Bullying” Scholarship Winner Announcement

Bullying is a widespread issue that needs to be addressed. Gary Burger awarded a $2,000 scholarship to Tiffany, a medical student, for her empowering essay on what can be done to st...

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Legal Questions Answered

I am trying to answer peoples legal questions on a Facebook show we have been doing. Here's some new questions we answer on our website. - What do I need to collect from the sc...

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Ask a Lawyer and Insta-Cart Giveaway

Here's a video of my fourth Ask-a -Lawyer Facebook show. Let me know what you think. Tune in today at 3 pm for another - ask me some good questions. [wdac-youtube id="D7dqQSuE_...

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Randy’s Great $350,000 Settlement

We filed and litigated an auto rear-end crash for Randy. He was rear-ended on highway 270 going to work. I've known Randy for 20 years. Truly a great guy. He was hit pretty hard. ...

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Requeening a beehive refers to the hive making a new queen or a beekeeper changing queens. I did the former with two hives this year. The first was by accident. I had bought and ...

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Lawanda’s Video About Her Case and Settlement

We filed and litigated a product liability case for Lawanda and were able to resolve her case. She was burned by a massage chair. Here's a video she did with me, pre - corona. [w...

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How Long After Workers’ Comp Settlement Do I Get Paid?

When pursuing a workers' compensation claim, people often want to know when the settlement check might come through. This is because they need financial relief due to mounting bills ...

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What Is the Average Payout for a Rear-End Collision?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most frequent types of car accidents in St. Louis and across the country, often resulting in property damage, personal injuries, and financial hard...

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What Is the Average Workers’ Comp Settlement for Surgery?

Injured workers should have a realistic idea of what kind of financial compensation they might expect if they need surgery for work-related injuries. This helps them manage expectati...

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When Will Workers’ Comp Offer a Settlement?

Dealing with a workers' compensation claim can be more difficult than you might ever expect. From understanding your rights to filing a claim and dealing with insurance adjusters, yo...

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When to Get a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you've sustained an injury at work, you may be entitled to benefits from workers' compensation insurance. You must properly follow the claim process to successfully receive benefi...

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Settlement for partial finger amputation

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Claims An injury can be traumatic and life-changing, not to mention expensive and painful. If you have been injured while on the job, what type...

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How much is your thumb worth in Work Comp?

If you’ve sustained a severe injury necessitating amputation of your thumb, the financial burden of your medical bills can make it difficult for you to make ends meet. However, you...

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Missouri Workmans’ Comp Overview

Missouri state law requires businesses with five or more employees to acquire workers’ compensation insurance. Workers' compensation insurance is an insurance package that pays wor...

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Common Mistakes in Workers’ Compensation Claims

Few people ever expect to be injured on the job, but if in the event it happens it is imperative that you do everything in your power to advocate for yourself. To wrap things up...

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Four Worker’s Compensation Settlements in December

Four Worker's Compensation Settlements in December We handle many types of cases at Burger Law and I’ve recently written about successes in various cases involving premises...

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Ask a Lawyer and Insta-Cart Giveaway

Here's a video of my fourth Ask-a -Lawyer Facebook show. Let me know what you think. Tune in today at 3 pm for another - ask me some good questions. [wdac-youtube id="D7dqQSuE_...

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How much is your thumb worth in Work Comp?

A: Not much Missouri Workers’ Compensation can feel really unfair sometimes - particularly when you cut off your thumb. Unlike a civil claim, with Missouri Workers’ compensat...

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Court of Appeals Denied

Good news last week - the Court of Appeals denied the Missouri Department of Corrections Motion for Rehearing or Transfer to the Supreme Court. But the case is not over - the Sta...

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Corrections Nurse Case

We also filed a case for corrections nurses. They have to do the same pre and post shift work that corrections officers have to and do not get paid. The case is not against the S...

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The State is doubling down on their bad decision

[wdac-youtube id="VFSQmtyMMjE"] The State is installing timeclocks at its prisons - but not at the front door of prisons. Here's from the article: “What they’re doing inste...

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How to Divide a Wrongful Death Settlement in Missouri?

[lwptoc] When a loved one's life is tragically cut short due to the negligence or intentional actions of another party, family members should hold the responsible parties accounta...

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What Is a Survival Action?

A survival action is similar to a wrongful death claim. However, a survival action attempts to obtain damages that the deceased would have claimed had they lived through their injuri...

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How Long Do You Have to Sue for Medical Malpractice?

A medical malpractice lawsuit allows people injured due to medical negligence to recover compensation from their healthcare providers and, often, facilities that employ those provide...

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Missouri Wrongful Death Settlements

When Can You File a Wrongful Death Claim? You can file a wrongful death claim if a loved one died due to someone else's negligence or wrongdoing. Examples of incidents that cause wr...

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The Loss of Chance Doctrine

The Loss of Chance Doctrine. Medical malpractice typically refers to situations where a medical professional's negligence leads to a patient's harm. But if a doctor didn't ...

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Conscious Pain and Suffering

Conscious pain and suffering. When tragedy strikes and someone you love is unjustly taken from you, understanding the intricacies of legal terminology is likely the last thing on you...

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Burger Law in Riverfront Times: Metro East Bank Sued by Widow of Slain Security Guard

Riverfront Times Story: Widow Sues Bank for Security Guard Death In August 2021, a deadly bank robbery made the news in the St. Louis area. Security guard Ted Horn was shot and ...

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Grief, Loss and Happy Things to Do

It's been really busy around the office, but sometimes, it's prudent to pause and reflect on life and legacy. I have had some friends pass away over the last 6 months or so and am...

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A Case Study in Strategic Representation

The legal process is often slow. Investigate. File a lawsuit. Conduct discovery. Go to trial. Depending on the case, litigation can take a year or two or more. Despite this h...

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Office Surprise From Pam Hupp

We had an interesting check arrive at the office. In 2019 Pam Hupp was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the first-degree murder of Louis Gumpenbe...

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Chances of Winning a Wrongful Death Suit

Chances of Winning a Wrongful Death Suit. Nothing can truly compensate you for the loss of a loved one, but receiving compensation in a wrongful death suit can alleviate the financia...

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Medical Malpractice Damage Caps in Missouri

Medical Malpractice Damage Caps in MissouriAt Burger Law, we have over 25 years of experience handling medical malpractice cases. If you feel you were deprived of the standard o...

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1-55 Pevely Truck Accident – Married Couple Killed

Tragedy struck in the Pevely area of Jefferson County this past Monday, November 23, 2020, when a married couple was killed in an auto accident. The Jefferson County I-55 accident t...

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Fatal car accidents spike on Missouri state roadways amidst Coronavirus pandemic

Despite the decrease in drivers on the road due to the coronavirus pandemic, fatal car accidents have significantly increased in Missouri. According to the Missouri State Highwa...

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Ask a Lawyer and Insta-Cart Giveaway

Here's a video of my fourth Ask-a -Lawyer Facebook show. Let me know what you think. Tune in today at 3 pm for another - ask me some good questions. [wdac-youtube id="D7dqQSuE_...

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