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(314) 500-HURTMost car accident claims take months or years to settle. Unfortunately, no two car accident claims are alike. Similarly, personal injury laws have no time limit on determining car accident claims.
As such, some car accident victims receive compensation quickly after initiating a claim, while others struggle to settle. Many factors affect car accident settlement, often resulting in delays.
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“I’ve dedicated my entire life to helping our clients receive full compensation for their injuries.”
Gary Burger
If you’re facing mounting medical bills and the prospect of a lengthy treatment, a quick settlement might not help. If you accept the first offer, there’s a chance it might not cover the cost of treatment and other injury-related losses.
Instead of wondering why your car accident settlement is taking so long, speak to our trusted St. Louis car crash attorneys who can guide you on expediting your car accident claim.
If the at-fault party has denied liability, the resolution to your car accident claim might drag on. Settlement may only occur once they accept liability or the court rules in your favor. If you file a lawsuit, your attorney may have to compile evidence to support your claim and provide a defense against the at-fault party.
The settlement will drag on longer if you sustain severe injuries in a car accident. It is impossible to agree on a suitable settlement if you’re still receiving treatment for your injuries. Usually, an attorney may advise you to wait for maximum medical improvement before filing a claim.
Waiting before filing an insurance claim results in a more accurate valuation of your injuries. A doctor can also tell whether you’ll require long-term care for your injury.
Here are a few examples of severe injuries that cause delays in your settlement:
Insurance companies are profit-making companies and may want to minimize the payouts as much as possible. They, therefore, have multiple delaying tactics, including poking holes in your claim.
If you disagree with their proposal, they’ll hire an experienced attorney to protect their interest in court. You may need to wait a little longer as your attorney fights back and pushes for fair compensation for your losses.
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Check with your lawyer if they have disputed the first settlement proposal made by the insurer. An attorney will likely accept a fair settlement proposal that will cater to their fees, medical lien, and injury-related losses.
If an attorney has initiated negotiations, reaching an agreement could also affect how soon you’ll receive compensation.
A delay in obtaining a settlement can affect your quest for quality treatment. Similary, settling too soon can cause you to leave money on the table. You must, therefore, strike a delicate balance to obtain a fair settlement amount for your losses.
At Burger Law, our car accident attorneys have a proven track record of obtaining hefty settlement amounts for injured victims.
Contact us online for a free case evaluation.
Founder | Injury AttorneyGary Burger
Gary Burger has dedicated his career to standing up against bullies. The founder and principal attorney of Burger Law | St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer has helped hundreds of Missouri and Illinois individuals and families recover th …
Years of experience: 30 years
Location: St. Louis, MO
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This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, Gary Burger who has more than 30 years of legal experience as a practicing personal injury trial attorney. Gary’s robust legal knowledge is recognized by his peers as demonstrated by his industry awards and frequent Continuing Legal Education (CLE) lectures.
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