100+ years of combined experience and over $200 million won for our clients in Missouri and Illinois. Contact a personal injury lawyer near you.
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(314) 500-HURTWe are running a contest on Facebook to give away two tickets to the May 24, 2024 Cardinals - Cubs game! Enter below and best of luck!
read moreThis month, Burger Law is partnering with Nurses for Newborns for a Donation Drive. We're collecting baby and food items for them. Here's the list of what they need. Here’s h...
read moreI've had the good fortune of getting to work with a number of charities over the years. One that I don't often talk about–but my family has supported for years–is th...
read moreIt’s no secret that we love our pets around here. Which is a big part of the reason that we love working with our friends at Gateway Pet Guardians! If you’ve never heard ...
read moreIn running my legal business, I focus on firm's keys to success. And honestly, there's a number of things that have led to our success--great lawyers always fighting for our cli...
read moreI've been involved in two CLEs in the past month, and I wanted to throw a quick shoutout to a good friend who did both of them with me. Jasmine Chen is one of the most knowle...
read moreAfter weeks of hyping this CLE up, I promise this is the last time you'll hear about it! We had an amazing time at this month's Burger Law CLE, Advanced Litigation: Hone and Updat...
read moreWhen we say we care about our clients, it's not hyperbole. These are real people with real lives going through real struggles, so I believe it's important to not just handle their l...
read moreThe Review of the Month is back! When we ask our clients why they picked us, the number one answer is always that they saw our reviews on Google, and it sounds like we do gre...
read moreWhen I first started out on my Burger Law journey, one of the first things I did was to establish a YouTube video for the brand. When I did, I had two goals in mind: First--and ...
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