100+ years of combined experience and over $200 million won for our clients in Missouri and Illinois. Contact a personal injury lawyer near you.
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(314) 500-HURTYou have a personal injury claim underway and the next step is mediation. This can seem intimidating to someone who has
never participated in mediation. Your lawyer should invest time and effort educating and preparing you long before the
day the mediation is set to take place.
Are you anticipating an upcoming mediation for your case? Have you recently been injured in an accident where negligence
played a role? The personal injury lawyers of Burger Law have extensive experience in mediation for their clients and
are skilled in holding defendants and insurance companies accountable for the harm done to accident victims. If you are
in need of a skilled, experienced law firm you can trust, Burger Law is the answer. Reach out to us today for a
complimentary consultation regarding your case. Call us at 314-542-2222.
Mediation is the process in which a neutral third party, called a mediator, meets with both sides of a civil claim and
facilitates the resolution of their legal dispute. Mediation can often be very successful in settling cases, but the
process is voluntary and neither party is obligated to accept an offer or demand during the mediation. A mediator will
help assess the risks involved and offer strategies for coming up with a mutually agreed-upon number.
When you schedule a mediation, you and your lawyer will meet with a mediator and individuals representing the other
party. Your lawyer should prepare you on what to expect and how to respond. The mediator is a friendly entity. They are
there to try to help both parties move forward towards an agreement with which both sides are comfortable. If you have
already experienced other steps in your case like a deposition, be assured that the mediation process is nothing like
this. You will not have to recount your traumatic experiences in detail or be harshly cross-examined. Mediation is a
neutral environment where the goal is to find a settlement that works for everyone so you do not have to proceed to a
lengthy and difficult trial.
In the mediation, you should expect to see an environment that is:
Now that you understand the general environment into which you will be walking on the day of your mediation, here are
some specific things you may encounter when you enter mediation:
Mediation is an often successful way to reach an agreement that all parties feel comfortable with. However, to be
successful in mediation as a personal injury victim, it’s absolutely essential that you are represented by a lawyer who
has experience in winning personal injury cases and in participating in successful mediations. Gary Burger and the
attorneys of Burger Law have both. Contact us today to speak with an experienced lawyer about your case. Reach us by
calling 314-542-2222 or contact us online.
Founder | Injury Attorney
Gary Burger has dedicated his career to standing up against bullies. The founder and principal attorney of Burger Law | St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer has helped hundreds of Missouri and Illinois individuals and families recover th …
Years of experience: 30 years
Location: St. Louis, MO
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