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Results Category: Premise Liability

$153,916 Slip and Fall Settlement

Genavieve recently obtained a $153,916 slip and fall settlement. Our client went to Seafood City Super Market in University City to pick up her grocery order. Employees instructed he...

$300,000 Settlement for Illinois Slip and Fall Case

$300,000 Settlement for Illinois Slip and Fall Case Gary Burger of Burger Law was featured in the publication Missouri Lawyers Weekly for an Illinois personal injury case. ...

$350,000 Settlement in Ladder Case

Ladder Case Settlement $350,000 After surviving summary judgment and participating in mediation, we recently settled a case involving a ladder accident for $350,000. The Cas...

$0 to $70,000.

$0 to $70,000. We got a great settlement for Rhonda Griffin in her slip case. Rhonda was at the Florissant Hill Plaza for a fundraiser for her high school reunion class - she is ...

Burger Law Secures $125,000 in Auditorium Fall

Burger Secures a $125,000 settlement in Auditorium Fall Gary is featured this week in the Missouri Lawyers Weekly for a case that he settled for $125,000. In the last two weeks, w...

$250,000 Slip and Fall Settlement

A 52-year-old Blue Springs man who slipped and fell on a patch of black ice outside a Springfield motel has settled a premises liability claim against the owner for $250,000. Fior...

Apartment Managers Settle over Deck Collapse that Injured Couple – $1,435,000 Settlement

In this case, the defendants tried to shift the blame onto the tenants when the apartment complex they owned had a deck that collapsed. Gary got around their procedural maneuvering ...

$125,000 Settlement in Trip and Fall Case

Trip and fall case and claims adjuster sends me a letter: "Our investigation does not indicate any negligence on the part of our insured and there does not appear to be any trippin...

$250,000 Settlement in Icy Slip and Fall Suit

Hotel Guest Settles Icy Slip and Fall Suit By Alan Scher Zagier Venue: Greene County Circuit Court Case Number: 1331-CC01609/Date: Jan. 15, 2016 Caption: Fiorenti...

New Beginnings Breach of Contract case

Gary Burger recently tried a case for a local dive shop in a breach of contract action.  It was fun to cross examine the plaintiff and point out the numerous inconsistencies in...


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