100+ years of combined experience and over $200 million won for our clients in Missouri and Illinois. Contact a personal injury lawyer near you.
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(314) 500-HURTOur elected officials in Jefferson City seem to have nothing better to do than play tort reform again. Please contact your Missouri state representative or senator and tell them to oppose all tort reform.
Here are the top ten ironies of tort reform:
Supporting tort reform only protects negligent companies and negligent people while at the same time limiting the rights
of ordinary citizens who are the victims of these negligent actions. If you have been injured by the negligent actions
of another, would you want your damages already limited before you even get a chance to try your case before a jury of
your peers?
Founder | Injury Attorney
Gary Burger has dedicated his career to standing up against bullies. The founder and principal attorney of Burger Law | St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer has helped hundreds of Missouri and Illinois individuals and families recover th …
Years of experience: 30 years
Location: St. Louis, MO
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This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, Gary Burger who has more than 30 years of legal experience as a practicing personal injury trial attorney. Gary’s robust legal knowledge is recognized by his peers as demonstrated by his industry awards and frequent Continuing Legal Education (CLE) lectures.
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(314) 500-HURT